March 634 - 2 Years Before The Battle of Yarmuk
Heraclius stood by the window with one hand on the
wall gazing down at the city. He stared at the morning bustle in the streets of
Constantinople but he wasn’t interested in the life below. He was lost in
thought, disturbed by the reports he just received. A Roman Legion defeated by
desert nomads!
The engagement at the oasis of Dasin, just outside
of Gaza, was a minor skirmish but the Muslim victory sent a shock wave all the
way up to Constantinople!
To Heraclius the Arabs were a backward people living
in a desert wasteland. The Arabs he knew were an unsophisticated lot in
constant conflict with each other, just barely eking out an existence under the
unforgiving desert sun. The Arabs were not a military threat let alone a
military power they were just a thorn in his side when they did pop out of the
desert. He looked down on them as petty raiders looking to snatch camels, goats
and sheep; the modern day equivalent of pick pockets.
But united for the first time under the banner of
Islam, the Arabs unleashed a gale force wind that would sweep across the Middle
East and blow as far East as China and West across North Africa.
The soldiers at Dasin were not raiders but the
advance guard of an organized Muslim army with large ambitions. They were sent
by the Caliph in Medina with a strategic objective... conquer Syria.
Heraclius wrapped his arms behind his back and
staring down at the cobblestone floor he pulled away from the window and trudged
his way back towards his chamber. He entered his dimly lit room as his mind
raced back four years earlier; the citizenry showered him with honour as he rode
through the streets of Constantinople in triumph after defeating the Persians
and restoring the Empire’s splendor. It was a glorious time. He clenched his
teeth and grimaced. Now was the time to enjoy the fruits of his labour, he did
not expect this.
Four Muslim divisions marched through the Holy lands
and swept across Jordan, Palestine, up the Mediterranean coast and penetrated as
far north as Emessa. The Muslim armies terrorized the countryside but they did
not lay siege to any city. He didn’t understand why.
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The Muslim plan of attack into Syria |
Heraclius was a military genius and a master
organizer. It was due to his incredible abilities that the Roman defeated the
Persians and took back Anatolia and the Holy lands. But most important, he
recovered the True Cross and brought it back to its rightful place.
Heraclius nodded his head in agreement as he read
the plan to concentrate troops at Ajnadein; a strategic location where the
Romans could strike at any of the four Muslim divisions in the theater of
operations. He had an astute understanding of the situation and immediately understood
the thinking behind the plan. First, by placing a large army behind Muslim
lines it would stop the advance in its track; the Muslims would have to secure
their rear before moving forward and second it gave the Romans the ability to
strike back.
He grabbed the candle sitting at the corner of his
desk. After four years of idleness his generals had not lost their ability to
defend the Empire. He tilted the candle to allow several drops of hot red wax
to drip on the plan. He stamped it with his royal seal and sent it off.
He leaned back in his chair and looking up at the
ceiling, he asked the good Lord to help him once again!
Umar's (RA) Burden
Umar ibn Khattab (RA) sat in the Prophet’s (SAW)
Mosque in Medina burdened with the weight of the nascent ummah on his shoulder.
It had only been several weeks since Abu Bakr (RA), the first Caliph of Islam,
passed away and Umar (RA) proclaimed the second Caliph. He inherited two wars
on two fronts against two superpowers (Romans and Persians) but he was the
ideal leader for the trials that lay ahead.
Umar (RA) was a towering figure, stout, firm and
resolute. He had a fair complexion with a reddish tint, balding down the middle
of his head with grey hair on the sides. Although he was Caliph, he despised
extravagance. He walked the streets of Medina in garments of wool patched in places
with leather. He lived a frugal life.
His anger was well known but he was just and had
genuine concern for the people under his rule, he kept their needs central to
his leadership. As Caliph, he refused to chop off the hands of thieves because he felt he
had fallen short of his responsibility to provide meaningful employment to all of
his subjects. His vision was to ensure that everyone in his domain slept on a
full stomach.
Umar (RA) was known to have said:
“If a dog dies hungry on the banks of the River Euphrates, Umar will be responsible for dereliction of duty”. –Umar (RA)
Such was his sense of responsibility to his people.
______ .... ______
The Sahaba sat in a semi circle around their new leader. The Majlis-al-Shura included Uthman ibn Affan, Ali ibn Abi Talib and Abdur Rahman bin Awf; giants who were some of the closest Companions of the Prophet (SAW).
Umar (RA) sat crossed legged leaning against a wall.
He read out loud the reports filtering in from Syria. The Sahaba’s faces were
lit with expressions of relief as they listened.
Khalid bin Waleed (RA) had just recently entered
Syria with 9000 veterans from the Persian campaign in Iraq and assessed the
situation. The Muslim force of 32,000 were scattered across the land with
90,000 Romans concentrated at Ajnadein behind Muslim lines. The Roman
concentration at Ajnadein had to be dealt with before further conquests could
be made otherwise the Muslim forces would be picked off one division at a time.
Khalid (RA) ordered all commanders to converge at Ajnadein with haste.
On July 30, 634, Khalid (RA) ordered a general
assault and 32,000 Muslims fell upon 90,000 Romans. 50,000 Romans perished
including the commander in chief, his deputy and several generals versus 450
dead on the Muslim side. The Roman army of Ajnadein cease to exist. Those who
survived sought refuge behind the walls of Jerusalem, Gaza and Jaffa.
It was a crushing victory!
Umar (RA) heard murmurs of “Subhan Allah” in hushed
tones from the gathered majlis, he continued.
A week after the mammoth battle, the combined army marched
north to Damascus under Khalid’s (RA) orders. On Aug 20, 634 Khalid (RA) laid
siege to the city with 20,000 men against a garrison of 15,000 deep inside
Roman territory.
After two months of skirmishing with the Roman
garrison, Khalid (RA) finally had an opening. Jonas the Greek crossed to the
Muslim side and informed Khalid (RA) of a festival. During this festival the
people would be drunk and the walls would have a skeleton crew manning them.
Khalid selected 100 of his elite soldiers and scaled
the most impregnable point in the defenses. He and his men subdued the few men guarding
the wall, dropped down on the other side and opened the gate from the inside.
Khalid’s division rushed in and after several hours of fighting the city fell.
The loss of Damascus was a staggering blow for Heraclius.
The army rested at Damascus awaiting their next
Umar (RA) looked up at the Sahaba, paused and asked
“What is your opinion?”
Dec 635 - 9 Months Before The Battle of Yarmuk
Two inches remained of a foot long candle that burned most of the night illuminating a map spread out across Heraclius desk. Alone and frustrated, he stared at the map dumbfounded! His generals marked those cities lost in battle over the past two years and those that remained.
Every manoeuvre Heraclius made was strategically
flawless but ended in defeat. The first concentration at Ajnadein - failed. His
attempt to limit the Muslim advance by a stout defense at Damascus - failed.
The defensive manoeuvre at Baisan also failed.
After the fall of Damascus the Muslim army split
into four divisions and spread out like birds migrating across the land. The flag of Islam spread
quickly as city after city fell in quick succession to the onslaught.
In Syria; Emessa, Qinassareen, Hama, Shaizar,
Asamiya and Ma’arra were conquered by Khalid (RA) and Abu Ubaidah (RA).
In Palestine; Nablus, Amawas, Gaza, and Yubna fell
to Amr al Aas.
In Jordan; Shurahbeel subdued Tabariya.
Along the Mediterranean coast; Acre, Tyre, Sidon,
Arqa, Jabail and Beirut were crushed by Yazeed and Shurahbeel.
Heraclius could not stop the bloodletting.
The Muslims went from victory to victory and by the
summer of 636, they had conquered the frontier provinces of Palestine, Jordan
and the southern part of Syria.
When Khalid (RA) broke into the Southern part of
Syria, the Muslims threatened the economic wellbeing of the Empire. The cities
in Syria were the key to power. Damascus, Homs, Hama, Aleppo; they were
sophisticated trading centers, outposts that received caravans from the east.
Losing Syria meant losing a pillar of the Empires economic base.
Over the next few months, Heraclius would reach out
across the empire and stretch his resources to face this mortal threat. He
sought the Empires best generals and provided them with his best officers. He
assembled an army of 150,000 men and concentrated them in the area of Antioch.
He appointed Mahan, King of Armenia the General of
the Army.
Heraclius divided his forces into five divisions.
His strategy was to isolate each Muslim division and attack them one at a time.
His first target would be the army led by Khalid (RA) and Abu Ubaidah (RA) operating
in the region of Hama and Emessa. He would attack from the front, the two wings
and cut off their retreat to Damascus. Even Khalid (RA) would not be able to
fend off an army 10 times his size.
Once Khalid (RA) was disposed of, he would move onto
Beirut to confront Shurahbeel, Yazeed at Caesarea and Amr al Aas in Palestine. He
would continue until his dominion was purified of this foreign threat.
July 636 - 5 Weeks Before the Battle of Yarmuk
Umar (RA) called the Majlis-al-Shura to gather at the Prophet’s (SAW) Mosque after fajr salat. They had been discussing, arguing and debating for the better part of the morning without reaching a conclusion. Umar (RA) was silent for most of the deliberation; he was lost in thought with the situation the Muslims found themselves in.
The wars in Syria and Iraq were going well but both had
reached a boiling point. It was obvious to Umar (RA) that a decisive battle was
coming in both arenas. He had an army encamped at Qadisiya in Iraq waiting for
Rustam and the Persians to arrive but it was the situation in Syria that
disturbed him on this day.
The Muslims conquests in Syria over the past two
years were remarkable but the intelligence reports he received from Northern
Syria was staggering; 120,000 to 150,000 soldiers amassing in the area
surrounding Antioch. Even after such a bruising war, the Romans were still
capable of fielding such a large force.
Umar’s (RA) keen strategic eye immediately
understood Roman intentions and realized how vulnerable the Muslims were. The
Muslim divisions were scattered across the land and could be picked off one at
a time. Abu Ubaidah’s (RA) and Khalid’s (RA) division (which were furthest
north) hung like an overripe fruit ready to be plucked.
The sun was reaching its zenith and Umar (RA) had
other business to attend to. He final interjected and asked the assembled
Majlis for their final opinion. Should they retreat into the desert and fight
another day or challenge this juggernaut?
The Majlis fell silent. A Sahaba spoke up and said “It
is Khalid’s (RA) opinion in this letter that the Muslims should face the enemy
in battle.” The other notable Sahaba silently nodded their head in agreement.
Khalid’s (RA) reputation
preceded him. Although Umar (RA) had issues with Khalid (RA), he respected his
judgement in military matters. Second, retreating meant giving up all they had
gained over the past two years which was not acceptable. Therefore the only decision
left was to face the enemy head on.
Umar (RA) accepted their opinion and closed the
meeting with a final du’a.
______ .... ______
Khalid (RA) and Abu Ubaidah (RA) beat a tactical
retreat. If they’re going to face this Roman juggernaut, it would be as a
combined army. All of the territory and cities conquered over the past two
years were abandoned and each division converged on the scrubby plains of
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Muslim retreat to the plains of Yarmuk |
Yarmuk was the battle of the century. It was a
battle to decide the fate of this war. Heraclius placed the full weight of the
Empire behind his army and he had nothing left to give.
By the time Mahan arrived on the plains of Yarmuk,
he had anywhere between 80,000 to 120,000 professional soldiers. The Muslims
had 30,000 to 40,000 men and no reserves.
Retreat was not an option for either side. The
Muslims had invested two years and numerous lives just to reach this point and
giving up was not in their nature, no matter what the odds. Heraclius fought the
Persians for ten years just to regain Syria and he was not about to walk away.
The war had reached its climax. Only one side would be left standing and Yarmuk would decide it.
In the second week of Rajab in the 15th
year after Hijra (3rd week of August 636), Mahan ordered a general
assault on the Muslim line, marking day 1 of the Battle of Yarmuk.
The battle would last for six grueling days.
Mahan came within a hair widths edge of victory
several times but the Khalid (RA) pushed him back from the brink. On the final
day, the military brilliance of Khalid (RA) wiped Mahan’s army off the field. The
Roman army was decimated, nothing remained of this army.
Those who escaped were not given reprieve. Mahan was
in full retreat when Khalid (RA) and the mobile guard caught up with him on the
road to Damascus and was killed.
The Muslim army spent one month recuperating before
marching. The first target was Jerusalem. After a 4 month siege, Jerusalem
The army broke up again. Amr and Shurahbeel marched
to reoccupy Palestine and Jordan. Yazeed lay siege to Caesarea. Abu Ubaidah (RA)
and Khalid (RA) set out to complete the conquest of Syria and the cities fell
fast and furious.
Damascus, Qinassareen, Aleppo, Antioch, Latakia,
Jabla, Tartus and Azaz all fell in quick succession. Once Azaz fell, Syria was
secure. Azaz was the northern most point on the road to Constantinople it was
the cork which sealed the Syrian bottle. With the conquest of Azaz, no large
Roman army could threaten Syria.
By the end of 637 all of Northern Syria and the
Western coast were under Muslim control except Caesarea which held out until
Heraclius was riding his ornamented horse in the lead and could see the pine, cedar and oak trees on the slopes of the Taurus Mountains; the Roman column wasapproaching the Cilician Gates pass. What remained of the Roman army was in full retreat to the safety of Anatolia.
Sept 637 - 1 Year After the Battle of Yarmuk
Heraclius was riding his ornamented horse in the lead and could see the pine, cedar and oak trees on the slopes of the Taurus Mountains; the Roman column wasapproaching the Cilician Gates pass. What remained of the Roman army was in full retreat to the safety of Anatolia.
Two years earlier, Heraclius travelled to Antioch to
take direct control of military affairs but after the loss of the city, he had
no choice but to abandon Syria.
He left a broken man.
The Empire he saved from the Persians was torn apart
by nomads from the desert and his empire was in a perilous situation. He had committed
all military resources to Syria and only had a token force to protect his
capital. Any thoughts of returning to Syria were abandoned. His focus was now
to keep what he had left.
Just as Heraclius entered the pass, he turned around
to take one last look at Syria and with sorrow said
“Salutations to thee, O Syria! And farewell from one
who departs. Never again shall the Roman return to thee except in fear. Oh,
what a fine land I leave to the enemy!”
Part 1 – Roman Offensive Day 1 and 2
Nicolle, David. “Yarmuk 636AD – The Muslim Conquest of Syria.” London: Osprey Publishing, 1994.
O’Shea , Stephen. “Sea of Faith.” New York: Walker and Company, 2006.
Part 1 – Roman Offensive Day 1 and 2
Part 2 – Roman Offensive Day 3 and 4
Part 3 – Muslim Counter Offensive Day 5
Part 4 – Muslim Counter Offensive Day 6
Part 5 – Epilogue
Naeem Ali
my Islamic history book reviews on Amazon:
A.I.”Khalid Bin Al-Waleed: Sword of Allah.” Birmingham: Maktabah Publishers and
Distributors, 2007.
as-Suyuti, Jalal ad-Din. “The History of the Khalifahs Who Took the Right Way.” London: Ta-Ha Publishers Ltd., 1995.
as-Suyuti, Jalal ad-Din. “The History of the Khalifahs Who Took the Right Way.” London: Ta-Ha Publishers Ltd., 1995.
Nicolle, David. “Yarmuk 636AD – The Muslim Conquest of Syria.” London: Osprey Publishing, 1994.
O’Shea , Stephen. “Sea of Faith.” New York: Walker and Company, 2006.
In-depth details on this battle. Well-researched and well-presented. I have even reconfirmed with the sources you have provided beneath.
ReplyDeletePlease correct me if I'm wrong. In few books I have read that Commander_in_Chief of Roman army at the Battle of Yermuk was Theodorus.
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